Here at Nikola Lozanov MD, we are proud to offer a full spectrum of services to our patients to treat a variety of conditions. Our highly trained professionals have years of experience in diagnosing and treating these conditions, and we are happy to help find a solution to best suit your individual needs.

We strive to create individualized treatment plans for each of our patients as each person has a unique history and unique needs. Some of our services include:

  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Primary Care
  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Laser Treatment
  • Micro-nutrient Lab Testing via Spectracell (We provide a full nutritional panel in our office including antioxidant, micro-nutrient and vitamin deficiency testing. $190 w/ Insurance or $290 w/o)
  • Food Sensitivity (US Biotek-IgG/IgA $268)
  • DUTCH: Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (Pick up test kit in office. Not covered by Insurance. $300/kit)
  • DMV Examinations (Dr. Lozanov is a Certified Medical Examiner with the US Department of Transportation and can perform DMV examinations.)
  • Nutritional Testing (We provide G.I., Extensive Nutritional, Metal Toxicity, Food Sensitivity and Allergy testing kits done in home or at a nearby lab)


  • EKG
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • Cortisone Injections–Knee and Shoulder
  • Cryo Therapy for Benign and Precancerous Cells

Doctor Affiliations

Dr. Rita Melkonian, gynecology and urogynecology, comes to our office Thursday mornings. For appts call her office at (707) 782-1244.

Cardiovascular Health services  Petaluma, CA

Cardiovascular Health

One of your most vital vital-organs is your heart. Without it, the oxygen brought in by your lungs would not be carried to other organs, like your brain. Your body would have a challenging time fighting off infections and viruses because your blood is also responsible for delivering white blood cells where they are needed. Under our compassionate and thorough care, you can rest easy knowing we take every step we can to help you stay as healthy as possible. If you would like to improve your cardiovascular health, call our office at (707) 782-1244 or book an appointment online.

What Is Cardiovascular Health?
Cardiovascular health is the health of your heart and blood vessels. The prefix, cardio-, refers to the heart, while -vascular refers to the blood vessels. Together, these two make up your circulatory system, which is responsible for pumping and moving blood and oxygen throughout your entire body.

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Electrocardiogram EKG services  Petaluma, CA

Electrocardiogram (EKG)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 600,000 people in the United States die from heart disease each year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. Noting this, medical professionals often suggest that their aging patients or at-risk patients take an electrocardiogram, or EKG, test to check for signs of heart disease.

EKG tests are non-invasive, painless, safe and fast, and they help our doctors check things like heart rhythm and blood flow as well as diagnose previous heart attacks or anything else that seems abnormal. In the best case scenario, the EKG test confirms good heart health. However, if we see something abnormal, we will likely send you for further testing to get an idea of how to best treat or manage the issue.

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Primary Care services  Petaluma, CA

Primary Care

What is primary care?
Primary care is a go-to medical home for every patient. Our practice serves a wide range of health problems from injuries and illness to chronic health conditions that may require ongoing management.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • Well visits and physicals
  • Treatment of acute injuries and illnesses
  • Managing chronic illness or conditions
  • Nutritional guidance and weight loss care
  • Prevention screenings and examinations
  • Immunizations
Some conditions we commonly treat include:

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Eczema
  • Immune system disorders
  • Opioid addiction treatment

When do I need primary care services?
Even when you’re in good health, you may still need to come into our office for annual physicals. Physicals are essential to ensuring your body is functioning properly and to monitor any potential changes that may be early signs of a health concern.

In addition to physicals, we also offer regular women’s and men’s preventative health screenings and exams. Preventive care is important to keeping you healthy and lowering your risk for potential infections and diseases.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy  Petaluma, CA

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is used to treat both men and women experiencing imbalances or drops in their naturally-occurring hormones. Hormones are responsible for most of your essential bodily functions, so when they are disrupted in any way, cascade effects across all your systems can ensue.

Symptoms that are common with menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, memory loss, weight gain, sleep issues, and low libido can be dramatically improved with BHRT. For many other conditions, BHRT can improve vitality, energy, mental clarity, mood, weight loss, and even muscle strength!

BHRT comes in several different forms, and at Nikola Lozanov MD, we carefully take into consideration your symptoms, medical conditions, and history before making a recommendation for a specific treatment.

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Laser Treatment

We now offer safe, non-invasive, and side-effect free pain relief with super pulsed laser therapy from Multi Radiance Medical. Laser therapy treats acute and chronic pain, arthritis, and other conditions.  The technology combines three clinically proven wavelengths of light which reduce pain and increase circulation. The super pulsing laser emits light in billionths-of-a-second pulses, allowing light energy to deeply penetrate target tissues. It combines neuroadaptive electrical stimulation and laser in a single probe.

To find out if you qualify for laser therapy Dr. Lozanov will conduct an examination, and after diagnosis develop a custom treatment plan. Make an appointment for a laser therapy consultation by contacting our office.

Benefits of Multi Radiance Laser Therapy

  • Avoid opioid/NSAID exposure
  • Drug-free, side effect-free, non-invasive
  • Three proven wavelengths of light work together to effectively treat conditions
  • Safest classification of lasers with no risk of overheating
  • Treats common conditions like arthritis, acute pain, chronic pain, muscle strain, muscle spasm, and more
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